VHF: 147.030 Tone on Transmit and Receive- 156.7
UHF: 443.450 Full Time Fusion Digital
Soon the 147.135 Repeater and the 147.240 Repeater will be linked with the 147.030 Full time.
For more info Email: Chris Knight at: chris@w4cdk.com
SCHEDULE is as follows:
L.A.R.C. Nets
Tuesday Nights 8:00 PM 
147.030 Repeater Clinch MTN Tone is 156.7
147.135 Repeater on Short MTN Tone is 114.8
147.240 Repeater Sneedville, Tone is 114.8
Monday Net
LAKEWAY AREA, Hamblen, Granger, Jefferson, Cocke, Sevier.
JCARES the JEFFERSON CO. ARES / AUXCOM / AUXILLARY NET Is on the 147.030 Repeater @ 6:00 pm Monday Nights, everyone is welcome to check in.
Tn ARRL Public Information Coordinator: ab4dk@arrl.net / Ab4dkilo@gmail.com