Tag: Ardunio
Online Store
Online Store is live, Purchase your Hamfest / Builders Fest tickets now. Click now to go to the Store or look for the Tab on the Menus Special Grand Prize this Year. Yaesu 991a Hf vhf/uhf radio!
63 years a Ham
We received this note from a fellow Ham, check it out. I have been a 63 years a Ham, members of several clubs, been to many meetings & activities; so what stands out the best ? When this old ‘buzzard’ learns something new !! This April’s LARC meeting “Make it yourself” tops the list. Craig &…
Builders Group Presentation
COUNTDOWN to WeCanHams Builders Group Presentation at LARC Monthly meeting this Thursday in Morristown. For more information Check in Tuesday night @ 7pm on the W2IQ LARC Tuesday Night Net. Keep checking back on LakeWayARC.org, WeCanHams.com, or on Facebook, for the Countdown to Building to Begin.