Day: February 19, 2022
ARRL Learning Network
ARRL Learning Network Webinars Visit the ARRL Learning Network (a members-only benefit) to register, check on upcoming webinars, and to view previously recorded sessions. More webinars are coming soon! ARRL members may register for upcoming presentations and view previously recorded Learning Network webinars. ARRL-affiliated radio clubs may also use the recordings as presentations for club meetings, mentoring new and current hams, and discussing…
Amateur Radio in the News
Amateur Radio in the News ARRL Public Information Officers, Coordinators, and many other member-volunteers help keep amateur radio and ARRL in the news. “Radio to the rescue” / Georgetown Gazette (California), January 20, 2022 “Tecumseh School Project Catches NASA’s Attention” / Countywide & Sun (Oklahoma), January 20, 2022 “Networks of service” / The American Legion, January 20, 2022 “How the huge volcanic eruption in…
Monthly Zoom Meeting for Collegiate Clubs
Monthly Zoom Meeting for Collegiate Clubs Offers a Variety of Topics Each month, ARRL hosts a Zoom meeting with student representatives and advisors from the large community of college radio clubs. The group met on January 11, led by ARRL Collegiate Amateur Radio Advisors Tony Milluzzi, KD8RTT, and Andy Milluzzi, KK4LWR. Among the schools represented…
Online Examinations and Remote Testing
Go Fully Electronic in 2022! Look for a session here Join the LARC VE TEAM, Email Rodney Webb @ for details! By Maria Somma, AB1FM, ARRL VEC Manager Online Examinations and Remote Testing Your club’s VE team can become part of the fun and excitement of remotely administered Online Examinations. The remote exam…
ARRL Foundation to Create Club Grants Program 01/13/2022 A new ARRL Foundation Club Grants program, funded by a grant from Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC), will make $500,000 available to radio clubs. The program will provide up to $25,000 for worthy club projects. Requests for more than that will be referred back to ARDC. ARRL has long…