Tag: Amateur Radio

  • QRP Operator Logs

    QRP Operator Logs One Contact per Day for Nearly 30 Years From August 5, 1994, through December 20, 2021 — a span of nearly 10,000 days — ARRL member John Shannon, K3WWP, of Kittanning, Pennsylvania, made at least one CW contact while running 5 W or less to simple wire antennas. That includes one that’s in his…

  • Put Ham Radio on your list of New Year’s Resolutions

    From Dale, AB4DK, Public Information Officer for ARRL TN SECTION Happy New Year, I’m thankful for each one of you that has been involved with Amateur Radio this year across the Lakeway regional Area and our great State of Tennessee and as we slide out of 2021 and into 2022, it’s natural to think about…


    THE HEATHKIT TRILOGY Three books about the legendary company by Chuck Penson, WA7ZZE The Heath company, originally based in Benton Harbor, Michigan, grew from its humble beginnings in 1935 to become the largest manufacturer of kit-form electronic equipment in the world. Originally a manufacturer of light aircraft and aircraft parts and accessories, the company entered…

  • ARRL Learning Network

    ARRL Learning Network Webinars Visit the ARRL Learning Network (a members-only benefit) to register, check on upcoming webinars, and to view previously recorded sessions. More webinars are coming soon! ARRL members may register for upcoming presentations and view previously recorded Learning Network webinars. ARRL-affiliated radio clubs may also use the recordings as presentations for club meetings, mentoring new and current hams, and discussing…

  • Amateur Radio in the News

    Amateur Radio in the News ARRL Public Information Officers, Coordinators, and many other member-volunteers help keep amateur radio and ARRL in the news. “Radio to the rescue” / Georgetown Gazette (California), January 20, 2022 “Tecumseh School Project Catches NASA’s Attention” / Countywide & Sun (Oklahoma), January 20, 2022 “Networks of service” / The American Legion, January 20, 2022 “How the huge volcanic eruption in…

  • Online Examinations and Remote Testing

    Go Fully Electronic in 2022! Look for a session here https://hamstudy.org/sessions/w4wre/all Join the LARC VE TEAM, Email Rodney Webb @ w4wre66@gmail.com for details! By Maria Somma, AB1FM, ARRL VEC Manager Online Examinations and Remote Testing Your club’s VE team can become part of the fun and excitement of remotely administered Online Examinations. The remote exam…

  • All Day Study and Test Session

    The All Day Study and Test Session held last Sat Sept. 15th. was very successful, we had folks from all professions, from all over East Tn. with the further-est away being from Birmingham, Al. 8 out of 9 passed Element 2, one passed Element 3, and Larc Member upgraded to Extra. Thanks to all that…

  • Walk To Remember….. For Those Who Forget!

    Walk To Remember….. For Those Who Forget! LARC will be assisting with comunications for the Alps Walk to Remember! Saturday July 28th 2018 • 8:00 am Will you Walk To Remember? All money you raise stays in Morristown, providing affordable Adult Day Services for the Lakeway residents and caregiving support for their families. GRAND PRIZE:…

  • ARRL New Licensees Privileges Request!

    ARRL Requests Expanded HF Privileges for Technician Licensees 02/28/2018ARRL has asked the FCC to expand HF privileges for Technician licensees to include limited phone privileges on 75, 40, and 15 meters, plus RTTY and digital mode privileges on 80, 40, 15, and 10 meters. The FCC has not yet invited public comment on the proposals,…

  • Online Store

    Online Store is live, Purchase your Hamfest / Builders Fest tickets now. Click now to go to the Store or look for the Tab on the Menus Special Grand Prize this Year. Yaesu 991a Hf vhf/uhf radio!